James Nemger, Realtor®

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Sell Your Home In Profit

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Sell Your Home In

home selling process


Property Evaluation

We’ll begin by thoroughly assessing your property, considering its unique features and the current market conditions to determine the optimal listing price.


Property Preparation

I’ll provide expert advice on how to prepare your property to maximize its appeal to potential buyers, from minor repairs to staging.


Listing & Marketing

I’ll create a comprehensive marketing plan, showcasing your property’s best features to attract qualified buyers through various channels.


Showings & Open Houses

We’ll schedule showings and open houses to give potential buyers a firsthand experience of your property’s charm, encouraging offers.



I’ll skillfully negotiate on your behalf, ensuring your highest and best interests are represented throughout the negotiation process.


A Successful & Sale

Once we’ve secured the right deal, I’ll guide you through the closing process, ensuring a seamless and timely transaction. Celebrate your successful sale!

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